Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It's Not My Fall(t) That I Autumn(atically) Make Horrible Puns...

This bad pun takes the cake so far. I feel like I can't write a post without a corny lame title. Anyways, I finally took down my Halloween decor and switched it for Fall! Please step in to my Autumn Emporium...

First thing I decorated was my entry way table. Since pretty much it's sole purpose in life is to be decorated.

These are the Fall colors I like! I tend to stray away from the orange-brown-yellow combo. Kinda makes me think of old lady turkey crafts. Not that I have anything against old ladies, turkeys, or crafts- I love all those things! I also love the pops of white I used on this display to freshen things up a bit, and the hint of green in the wine bottle that ties in with the green in the dried roses.

The only thing I bought for this whole display was the pine cones (a whole bag of em for $1 at Target). The pumpkins were from Halloween, the flowers were dried roses Hami gave me, and the bunnies were a present from my brother. The scarf, candles, hurricane, and wine bottle I also already had. Whoop whoop for a $1 display! Oh and the nesty filler was bought by my friend Alyssa for a photoshoot we did our friend Kendra's baby girl. Alyssa didn't want it so I got to keep it! Hells yeah!

Fun fact- this display took me a few tries to come up with. Ok that's not the MOST fun fact in the world but it is a fact. Here are some prior attempts...



almost there...

Since this post is already getting long and I gotta get back to work (eek!) I'll end it here and cover the rest of the Fall decor later. More posts means more lame titles- whoopwhoop!

In the meantime... anybody else tend to shy away from the typical brown-orange-yellow Autumn decor? What are your alternatives?

Much love,


  1. Nice! I'm with you on the oranges and browns, and I love your take on fall-like decor without venturing into bad-crafyland.

  2. Thanks! Haha glad I'm not the only one :P

  3. Aww, I loved your (p)unny title! So for just $1 would you say that the cost to set up your entry way has (fall)en since Halloween? Love the cute bunnies!
