Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"What's wrong? I thought you LIKED frog's breath"

If you know who says that I automatically like you. And if you don't know... I will sneak into your house and leave a copy of Nightmare Before Christmas under your pillow.

Anyways, my pumpkin this year is Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas! Take a look:

This was a tricky design to carve but it's pretty close to the original I'd say!

I just love Sally and this movie *squee!* I carved this with all my fwends at a little pumpkin carving get-together the weekend before Halloween. Check out everyone's awesome pumpkins!

We have (from left to right):

  1. A creepy owl
  2. My Sally
  3. Pig from Angry Birds
  4. Totoro!
  5. Hami's 3-eyed monster eating a person
  6. A traditional jack-o-lantern
  7. Mean/yelling/throwing up pumpkin
  8. Bobby Hill

Pumpkin carving is so much fun!!! But as much as I love digging goopy pumpkin guts out of the real ones, I may switch to fakies for a while. It's just too sad when real ones die after a few days. On that note, do any of the tricks to keep carved pumpkins alive longer actually work??

Much love,

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